Job Post Services Rate

Post 10 jobs for just Rs. 1000 only.Package Validity 1 Year.
Show your Job Vacancy online to Job Seekers instantly.

1. A job posting package cost INR 1000 Plus GST 18% which allows you to post 10 jobs on ListVacancy.Com in a year.
2. There are no hidden Charges.
3. Posting a single job vacancy cost INR 100 with GST 18% in this Economical package.
4. Package of 10 Jobs = Validity 1 Year.
5. Every job once posted that will be expired in 3 months, after expiration of 3 months job will not be visible to job seekers.

When you post a job, provide all information to facilitate better search by candidates, Information like Job Title and relevant keywords, company/ firm information, job location, salary range, industry type, experience, etc are recommended for best results.

Our Economical offer is very low but very soon it will be increased, so take benefit of Economical offer.

100% Secured Payment Gateway.
Fully Online Mode.

Brand Executive Available to Assist You
For Employers: Toll Free 18002124369

Toll Free 18002124369